Promoting diversity
Diversity and equal opportunity arefundamental principles shaping the workplace at the VHV Group. We define diversity as the similarities and differences among employees based onpersonality traits and individual lifestyles.
Our idea of diversity follows the model of the Charta der Vielfalt, which we signedin 2023.
Beste Jobchancen bieten
Wir setzen uns aktiv für die körperliche, geistige und soziale Gesundheit aller Kollegen ein. Von einer integrativen, diskriminierungsfreien Teamkultur bis zur Gleitzeitregelung schaffen wir ein attraktives Arbeitsumfeld. Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, die mehr für ihre Gesundheit tun möchten, helfen wir mit einem vielfältigen Maßnahmenangebot – ob Fahrradpool oder Raucherentwöhnungskurs.
Common values
For the VHV Group, promoting diversity isnot just an expression of social responsibility, but an instrumental factor inthe economic success of the company. For us as an employer, common values arethe crucial basis for good and lasting working relationships with our employees. Above all, respect, humanity and fairness are deeply rooted in our principlesof conduct.By signing the Charta der Vielfalt, wedeliberately committed to promoting diversity and appreciation in the workplace.
Promoting development – increasing satisfaction
Diversity and equal opportunity
Employee satisfaction
Employee development
Compatibility of family and career
Employee acquisition
Workspace concept
Health programmes at the VHV Group
Nutrition programmes
The VHV Group promotes healthy nutrition: Our company restaurants offer complete vegetarian meals and side dishes made oforganically grown ingredients.
Bicycle leasing
All employees of the VHV Group are provided with a company bikeupon request. It not only keeps them fit – it’s great for the environment, too.
Company sports
We maintain a variety of company sports programmes to encourage our employees to stay active. They can choose from running, soccer, or cycling, to name but a few examples.
Fitness and wellness courses
Qualified fitness trainers help us to stayhealthy, for example with smoking cessation courses, back health training, massages and nutrition programmes.