

VHV Vereinigte Hannoversche Versicherung a.G. (Publisher)

VHV-Platz 1
30177 Hanover, Germany 

T +49 511 907-0
F +49 511 907-4141

(Address for navigation devices: Constantinstrasse 90) 

Board of Management:

Thomas Voigt (Chief Executive Officer) · Arndt Bickhoff · Frank Hilbert · Dr. Sebastian Reddemann · Ulrich Schneider · Sebastian Stark

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Uwe H. Reuter

Bank Details:

NORD/LB Hanover
Bank Code: 250 500 00, Account Number: 101 453 801 
IBAN DE35 2505 0000 0101 4538 01, SWIFT-BIC NOLADE2H   

Court of Registration:

Local Court, Hanover; Commercial Register: B 3387
VAT ID number:
DE 115 658 091


Other VHV Group Companies:

VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG
VHV-Platz 1 
30177 Hanover, Germany

T +49 511 907-0
F +49 511 907-8999

Board of Management: 

Dr. Sebastian Reddemann (Chief Executive Officer) ·  Dr. Thomas Diekmann · Sina Rintelmann · Dr. Angelo O. Rohlfs · Dr. Sebastian Schulz

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Thomas Voigt

Bank Details:

NORD/LB Hanover
Bank Code: 250 500 00, Account Number: 101 411 551
IBAN DE65 2505 0000 0101 4115 51, SWIFT-BIC NOLADE2H   

Court of Registration:

Local Court, Hanover; Commercial Register: B 57331   
VAT ID number:
DE 815 099 837   


Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG
VHV-Platz 1
30177 Hanover, Germany 

T +49 511 9565-0
F +49 511 9565-666

Board of Management:

Frank Hilbert (Chief Executive Officer) · Boris Sonntag · Dr. Thomas Wüstefeld

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Thomas Voigt

Bank Details:

NORD/LB Hanover
Bank Code: 25050000, Account Number: 101055739
IBAN: DE12 2505 00 00 0101 0557 39, SWIFT-BIC NOLADE2H   

Court of Registration:

Local Court, Hanover; Commercial Register: B 61011
VAT ID number:
DE 815 099 845   

VHV Holding SE
VHV-Platz 1 
30177 Hanover, Germany 

T +49 511 907-0
F +49 511 907-4141

Board of Management:

Thomas Voigt (Chief Executive Officer) · Arndt Bickhoff · Frank Hilbert · Dr. Sebastian Reddemann · Ulrich Schneider · Sebastian Stark

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Uwe H. Reuter

Bank Details:

NORD/LB Hanover
Bank Code: 250 500 00, Account Number: 101 431 450 
IBAN DE75 2505 0000 0101 4314 50, SWIFT-BIC NOLADE2H   

Court of Registration:

Local court, Hanover; entry in the commercial register: B 61051   
VAT ID number:
DE 814 976 479   

VHV solutions GmbH
VHV-Platz 1 
30177 Hanover, Germany
Postal address: 30138 Hanover 

T +49.511.907-0
F +49.511.907-89 99   

Board of Management:

Dr. Sebastian Schulz (Speaker) · Arndt Bickhoff · Ulf Bretz · Oliver Vogt   

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Thomas Voigt

Court of Registration:

Local Court, Hanover; entry in the commercial register:: B 62126
VAT ID number:
DE 239 253 868    

Responsible Supervisory Authority for all Companies:

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BAFin), Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn, Germany

VAV Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Münzgasse 6 
1030 Vienna

T +43.1.716 07-0
F +43.1.716 07-100

Board of Management

Sven Rabe (Chief Executive Officer)  · Dipl.-Ing. Christian Sipöcz

Supervisory Board:

Thomas Voigt (Chief Executive Officer) · Dr. Wolfgang Emberger (Deputy Chairman) · Dr. Norbert Griesmayr · Eva Bieber · Michael Vejvoda

Court of Registration:

Commercial Court Vienna: FN 118015b / DVR: 0046990
VAT ID Number:
ATU153 65 307/GEI 529900E2564AV5SVKC92

Competent Supervisory Authority:

Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) / Insurance and Pension Supervision, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna



All data and information on our web pages have been researched and verified with the utmost care by VHV Group and third parties. Please note that we cannot guarantee that the information provided is free from errors. The information provided does not claim to be exhaustive. 
The individual providers are responsible for the links to third-party web pages on the VHV Group website. VHV Group is not responsible for the content of such third-party web pages.    


The VHV Group accepts no liability for representations, content or any other connection to the VHV Group on third-party web pages. In addition, the VHV Group also reserves the right to amend or supplement the information provided. Also, the VHV Group is not liable under any circumstances for direct or indirect damage arising as a consequence of the use or misuse of information and material contained on the website, provided that such damage is not attributable to gross negligence or an intentional act or omission on the part of the provider in question.    


Reproduction, presentation, republication, or distribution of this website or extracts thereof is prohibited without prior consent by the VHV Group. This excluded private, non-commercial use provided that copyright is not infringed, the source is stated, and the information is not abbreviated or altered.  


© 2019 VHV Vereinigte Hannoversche Versicherung a.G.  


For data protection inquiries, please contact:   

Data Protection Officer

VHV-Platz 1

D-30177 Hanover

T: +49 511 907-0




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