Investing responsibly

When making investment decisions, the VHV Group paysclose attention to integrated sustainability aspects – among them ethical, ecologicaland social concerns. However, the main focus is clearly on economicsustainability.

Excluded investment areas

All investments of the VHV Group are criticallyexamined and must satisfy ESG criteria. Issuers are evaluated in terms of climateprotection goals, social standards, human rights, and corporate governance.Investments in controversial weapons and companies who exceed certain turnover limitsof coal-fired power generation or fracking/tar sands are categorically excluded.

Controversial weapons

Coal-fired power generation

turnover > 30%

Fracking and tar sands

turnover > 5%

Preferred investment areas

Ideal types of investments that satisfy our strict ESGinvestment criteria are in one of the six areas listed below. With this investmentstrategy, we intend to make our portfolio climate neutral by 2050 and, thus,make a crucial contribution to decarbonisation.

Wind energy

Solar energy

Public transport

Grid infrastructure(power)

Green/social/sustainable bonds

Certified real estate


Wir führen Engagement-Aktivitäten in Form von anlassbezogenen Dialogen mit Wertpapier-Emittenten und/oder Datenanbietern durch. Dadurch möchten wir zur Erhöhung der Nachhaltigkeits-Transparenz beitragen und fordern bei Emittenten die Einhaltung von Standards in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und gute Unternehmensführung ein und regen zur Verbesserung ihrer ESG-Qualität an.

Ergänzend engagieren wir uns in führenden Organisationen und Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen, um auf bessere branchenweite ESG-Praktiken hinzuwirken. Eine Übersicht der Initiativen finden Sie hier.

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