Our vacancies
Shaping the future together.

Our vacancies
Find the right position and apply today. Unfortunately, we are currently only hiring for our German locations, which is why you will only find job offers in German.
Bachelor of Arts (w/m/d) - Versicherungswirtschaft 2025 Hannover
Risikoprüfer (w/m/d) Gewerbesachversicherung
Produktmanager (w/m/d) KFZ
Kfz-Sachverständiger (w/m/d) für das Einzugsgebiet Freiburg im Breisgau
Vorstandsassistenz (w/m/d) des Vorstandsvorsitzenden der VHV Gruppe
Kaufmann für Versicherungen und Finanzen (w/m/d) - Kundenservice KFZ-Vertrag
Spezialist (w/m/d) Output
Ausbildung Kaufmann (w/m/d) für Versicherungen und Finanzanlagen 2025 Hannover
Our vacancies are only available in German
Find the right position and apply today. Unfortunately, we are currently only hiring for our German locations, which is why you will only find job offers in German.
Your Questions, our answers
Can't find the answer to your question? Our experts are happy to help.
Are there opportunities for career changers?
Yes, we welcome career changers who are motivated to break new ground, bring new perspectives to our company and help us to broaden our horizons. Many of our positions are also suitable for applicants from other industries and professional fields. As part of our career change program, it is also possible to train as an insurance specialist (f/m/d).