Apprenticeship IT specialist for systems integration

Delve into the world of IT at the VHV Group and learn how to develop innovative solutions, administer networks and master technical challenges – hands-on and fit for the future.

Your path to the IT world at the VHV Group

Develop and administer IT systems, solve technical challenges and become part of a strong team.

Your apprenticeship is a cooperation between our company and the mmbbs MultiMediaBerufsbildenden Schulen (vocational schools). Top performers can shorten the three-year apprenticeship to 2.5 years. Between your 30 days annual vacation and the teaching blocks at the mmbbs, you’ll have lots ofopportunities to challenge yourself with hands-on work:

  • You plan, configure, connect and document customer-specific IT solutions by integrating hardware and software components into complex (networked andstand-alone) systems, e. g. client/server systems, multiple-user systems, mainframesystems.
  • You use modern diagnostic systems to track down defects and resolve them.
  • Duringthe practical blocks, you can actively shape your work assignments.

This will impress us:

  • Your school leaving certificate, vocational baccalaureate or diploma from a vocational school shows at least “satisfactory” marks – you do particularly well in technical subjects and English.
  • You have a mind for technical and analytical topics and are interested in working with hardware and software
  • You think logically and your work has structure

Nobody’s perfect, and not all career paths lead straight to the goal. Even if you don’t satisfy all the requirements just yet – take the opportunity and apply now!

Your opportunity

If you successfully complete your training after 2.5 years, exciting and challenging career opportunities will be open to you. You can also take advantage of these at the various locations of the VHV Group. In the last two years, more than 90% of apprentices have decided to accept a job offer.

We will also support your professional and personal development after your training. You can achieve your goals either through our VHV academies or by taking advantage of our supported further education and training programmes.

Your remuneration

First year of training: €1,205.00

Second year of training: €1,282.00

Third year of training: €1,370.00

In accordance with the collective agreement, you will receive holiday and Christmas bonuses as well as capital-forming benefits.

You will also receive further benefits (e.g. reimbursement of costs for school books).

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Your advantages

You can already look forward to that

30-month term

long-term career options

90 % takeover opportunity

secure start into the working world

mentoring program

insights into the world of IT

your own projects

individual further education options

networking & exchange

Unsere Standorte

Die VHV Gruppe ist an unterschiedlichen nationalen und internationalen Standorten aktiv.


VHV Platz 1, 30177 Hannover



Hanauer Str. 22, 80992 München


Siemensdamm 62, 13627 Berlin


Hermannstraße 11, 20095 Hamburg


Heilbronner Str. 129, 70191 Stuttgart


Any questions? We're happy to help

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Meet our experts
How is apprenticeship at the VHV Group remunerated?
Is it possible to be taken on after the apprenticeship?
How long does the apprenticeship last?
How is the apprenticeship structured?
When is the best time to apply for an apprenticeship?