Bachelor of Arts – Insurance Management

Combine theory and practice, learn about the varied world of insurance, and build the foundation of your career with the VHV Group.

Your future in sight

Experience a hands-on study program, become an expert for insurance and finance, and take an active part in shaping the industry of tomorrow.

You have decided to study business? During your dual course of study in our company, you will become a qualified professional not only in classic business management, but also in the key issues involving insurance, property protection and financial investment:

  • You gain valuable insights into complex facets of the insurance industry, such as product development and marketing, claims adjustment in the private and business sector, and sales.
  • You actively apply your theoretical knowledge to optimise and improve workflows and processes.
  • You take an active role in choosing your assignments during the work phases.

During your three-year course of study, you will take the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) examination qualifying you as a specialist for insurance and financial investments.

Theoretical knowledge is taught in small study groups at the Hannover Business School(FHDW).

What you bring to the table:

  • General or technical advanced education certificate with excellent or good marks in mathematics and German.
  • Goal orientation and a high degree of motivation.
  • Logical thinking skills and structured, independent work habits.

Nobody’s perfect, and not all career paths lead straight to the goal. Take the opportunity and apply now – even if you don’t satisfy all the requirements just yet!

Your prospects/pay

‍After your studies, a number of exciting and sophisticated career options are open to you – they qualify you for both high-level technical work as well as management functions at the various locations of the VHV Group. Once you have assumed your new role, we continue to support your professional and personal development. You can reach your goals through our VHV Academies or take advantage of company-sponsored continuing education measures (e.g. for a master’s programme).

Your pay

‍1st year: 1,205.00 €

2nd year: 1,282.00 €

3rd year: 1,370.00 €

In accordance with collective agreement terms, you will receive holiday and Christmas bonuses and a company pension plan. In addition, you will enjoy further benefits (e.g. cost reimbursement for schoolbooks). We also pay your tuition and examination fees.

Once you successfully complete your studies after three years, there are exciting and sophisticated career options open to you. Your studies qualify you for high-level specialist tasks and management functions – and you can choose to work at the various locations of the VHV Group.

We continue to foster your professional and personal development even after your studies. You can achieve your goals through our VHV Academies or take advantage of company-sponsored further education and training measures (e. g. a master’s degree).

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Your benefits

What you can look forward to today

36-month term

exciting benefits

exciting career opportunities

Start on September 1st

learn about different specialty areas

further education and training measures

your own projects

development options

regular networking events

Find your perfect start

Discover exciting training and study opportunities, as well as a wide range of career prospects, at the VHV Group. Your dream job is waiting for you.

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How is apprenticeship at the VHV Group remunerated?
Is it possible to be taken on after the apprenticeship?
How long does the apprenticeship last?
How is the apprenticeship structured?
When is the best time to apply for an apprenticeship?
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