
The sales division is the central interface with our customers and a crucial success factor for the entire insurance group.

We rely on personal consultation, professional support, and cooperation on an equal footing to offer individual solutions and build lasting customer relationships.

With VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG and Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG, we offer tailor-made insurance and provision solutions that address our customers’ individual needs. By closely supporting and assisting our sales partners, we foster long-term relationships, build trust and contribute to increasing customer satisfaction. Our goal is to actively drive our company’s success and strengthen the market positions of the companies within the VHV Group.

VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

The sales unit of VHV Allgemeine offers a wide range of insurance products, including property and homeowner’s insurance, as well as liability insurance for private and business customers. In addition, VHV Allgemeine is the leading insurer for the construction industry and one of the leading motor vehicle insurers.

The sales department has the important task of optimally communicating our broad range of products and offering fitting solutions to our customers through individual consulting.

Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG

Hannoversche Lebensversicherung specialises in covering liferisks. Its product portfolio extends from term life insurance to disability insurance all the way to old-age pensions. The sales staff is the crucial factor, as they advise customers pro-actively and help them to find the best solution for their personal life circumstances.

Our benefits

One particular benefit of the VHV Group is our own sales academy: it is aimed specifically at in-house and field staff and offers tailored further training programmes that prepare them optimally for the changing requirements in sales. It supports the personal and professional development of each individual, thereby strengthening sales expertise in the long term.

In addition to exciting career prospects, development opportunities and fair remuneration, our employees benefit from numerous other advantages.

Go to benefits.

  • Maintaining and optimising existing business customer relationships.
  • Cross-channel acquisition of new customers in cooperation with the sales channels.
  • Public relations work/support services within your own area and the region with a wide range of customers, as well as the organisation and implementation of customer acquisition and retention events.
  • Maintaining a high professional consulting standard in the form of annual evaluations and comprehensive consulting documentation.
  • Support and development of relationships with agents and sales partners, including regular training and personal support
  • Supporting the sales partners with the marketing and positioning of products and the development of individual sales strategies.
  • Responsible for acquiring agency relationships and optimising existing partnerships.
  • Promoting cooperation through specific measures like events, workshops and regular conversations on an equal footing.
  • Supporting customers and sales partners with telephone and written consultations as well as case-closing processing.
  • Ensuring efficient processes in request, contract and claims processing to support the sales staff.
  • Maintenance and administration of customer and agent data as well as clarifying specific concerns and inquiries.
  • Collaborating with field service and sales units to guarantee the best possible customer support.

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Job offers in sales

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VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Gruppenleiter (w/m/d) Sach-Firmen SF - Strategie, Steuerung, Pricing und Produktmanagement für das Geschäftsfeld Sach-Firmen

Zur Ausschreibung
Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Gruppe

Junior- Projektmanager Lebensversicherung (w/m/d) im Digitalisierungsprojekt

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Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Projektmanager in der Geschäftssteuerung im Versicherungsbereich Kraftfahrt privat (m/w/d)

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Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Vertragssachbearbeiter (w/m/d) Kraftfahrt- Versicherungen

Zur Ausschreibung
Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Vertragsmanager (w/m/d) Kraftfahrt- Versicherungen

Zur Ausschreibung
Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Gruppe

Ausbildung Kaufmann (w/m/d) für Versicherungen und Finanzanlagen 2025 Berlin

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Zur Ausschreibung
Our vacancies
Kubilay Kafalilar
Regional Manager Construction
“The satisfaction of our customers is our greatest concern. That is as it should be, because without satisfied customers, there would be no VHV.”

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