Marketing & communication

A strong brand image and clear communication are the key to success – this is our mission in the marketing and corporate communication unit of the VHV Group.

Together we develop strategies to ensure that the VHV Group is perceived as a competent and reliable partner. We use creative approaches, innovative concepts and the specific address of target groups to effectively transport messages both internally and externally.


The marketing teams of the VHV Group develop targeted, quantifiable measures that work across different communication channels. Thanks to the skilful combination of classic and digital media, we reach our target groups efficiently and effectively.

Cross-departmental cooperation in marketing is crucial for creating uniform brand awareness and supporting brand management. Our marketing teams combine professional knowledge from different disciplines to implement projects and campaigns together.

In addition, the marketing units of VHV Allgemeine, Hannoversche and VHV Group continuously react to new trends in order to constantly develop and design up-to-date and relevant marketing concepts for their various target groups.

Corporate communication

Corporate communication is instrumental in strengthening the trust and image of the VHV Group through clear and specifically targeted messages. The department frames our position, creates orientation, and supports internal as well as external communication processes.

Internally, it advises the specialty units and is responsible for internal communication channels. Externally, it is the mouthpiece for journalists and stakeholders and controls all relevant content on the company’s channels.

Our benefits

In addition to exciting career prospects, development opportunities andfair remuneration, our employees benefit from numerous other advantages.

Go to benefits.

  • Development and implementation of marketing strategies to improve brand awareness and revenue.
  • Analysis of market trends, competitors and target groups, optimisation of campaigns and coordination of campaigns on the different channels (digital, print, events etc.).
  • Planning, monitoring and optimisation of the marketing budget.
  • Additional focus social media manager: Preparing and publishing content on social media platforms as well as interaction with and maintenance of the online community, monitoring related KPI‘s.
  • Additional focus content manager: Development and maintenance of a cross-channel content strategy.
  • Responsible for all external and internal communication topics.
  • Proactively contacting media representatives and ongoing maintenance of the network.
  • Controlling responses to press questions and advising the board members and managers on communication issues.
  • Authoring press releases, statements, speeches and texts for internal communication.
  • Preparing long-term strategies to strengthen and differentiate our brand identity.
  • Ensuring a uniform brand appearance across all channels, including appropriate brand messages for different target groups and markets‍.
  • Analysis of market trends and the competition to strategically position the brand and optimise it continuously based on data and feedback‍.
  • Planning and execution of marketing and ad campaigns to boost brand awareness.
  • Erstellung langfristiger Strategien, die die Markenidentität stärken und differenzieren
  • Sicherstellung eines einheitlichen Markenauftritts über alle Kanäle hinweg inklusiver passender Markenbotschaften für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen und Märkte
  • Analyse von Markttrends sowie der Konkurrenz, um die Marke strategisch zu positionieren und diese auf Basis von Daten und Feedback stetig zu optimieren
  • Planung und Durchführung von Marketing- und Werbekampagnen zur Stärkung der Markenbekanntheit

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Lucas Barisch
Corporate communication
"Our daily task is to reach internal and external stakeholders with clear and targeted messages and to get them interested in our topics. In corporate communications, no two days are the same – new tasks and challenges are constantly arising, making our work exciting and varied."

Job offers in marketing and communication

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