Actuarial practice

Our experts in the specialised insurance units are responsible for the specific features of our insurance products. They ensure that our customers are covered in any life situation. To design such comprehensive products, they maintain an intensive dialogue with the other areas of the VHV Group. Thanks to this cooperative approach, we can continuously develop our products to cover all key hazards and risks. The VHV Group offers insurance products not just for private customers, but for business clients as well.

At the same time, our teams of the different areas take care of determining the facts of each case, reviewing the insurance coverage, and settling the corresponding claims.

VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG is one of Germany’s largest motor vehicle and liability insurers. The VHV was founded in 1919 as a self-help organisation by construction companies for construction companies. In this specialty area, we are the No. 1 in the market thanks to our expertise and can justly call ourselves a construction insurance specialist.

This also includes:

  • fidelity insurance,
  • property and homeowner’s insurance,
  • our private accident insurance and
  • our legal protection insurance, which we developed for the private, professional and general traffic sectors.

Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG

Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG has been part of the VHV Group as a biometrics multi-channel insurer since 2003. With our high-performance products, our customers in Germany and Austria are ideally covered, now and in the future. The product range extends from old-age pension insurance to biometric products and even capital investment products.

Our benefits

In addition to exciting career prospects, development opportunities andfair remuneration, our employees benefit from numerous other advantages.

Go to benefits.

  • Contact person for our products with individual focus.
  • Supporting internal and external agents and insurance companies via telephone or written communication.
  • Preparing risk-based and needs-based offers
  • Involvement in process optimisation and organisation to continuously improve our consulting services.
  • Independent recording of claims report.
  • Customer-oriented and efficient claims adjustment.
  • Pro-active communication with the customer.
  • Immediate mediation with appropriate service providers in case of damage claims, for example repair shops, car rental agencies or auto glass shops, and explanation of the procedures.
  • Conceptualisation of customer-oriented and economical insurance products in line with market requirements.
  • Contact person for any questions about the respective product, including presenting trainings for general information.
  • Interface between different areas, such as sales and claims managers, to create and continuously develop comprehensive products.
  • A mix of specialist, process-related and conceptual activities.
  • Signing risks, assessing risks, and involvement in conceptual and strategic requirements.
  • Training and support of employees, for example in sales.
  • Preparing offers and updating existing contracts.
  • Reviewing and processing requests, initiating and closing the final contract.

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Job offers in the actuarial practice

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VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Gruppenleiter (w/m/d) Sach-Firmen SF - Strategie, Steuerung, Pricing und Produktmanagement für das Geschäftsfeld Sach-Firmen

Zur Ausschreibung
Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Gruppe

Junior- Projektmanager Lebensversicherung (w/m/d) im Digitalisierungsprojekt

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Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Projektmanager in der Geschäftssteuerung im Versicherungsbereich Kraftfahrt privat (m/w/d)

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Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Vertragssachbearbeiter (w/m/d) Kraftfahrt- Versicherungen

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Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Vertragsmanager (w/m/d) Kraftfahrt- Versicherungen

Zur Ausschreibung
Zur Ausschreibung
VHV Gruppe

Ausbildung Kaufmann (w/m/d) für Versicherungen und Finanzanlagen 2025 Berlin

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Zur Ausschreibung
Our vacancies

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