Finance & Capital investments

The Finance & Capital investment units are responsible for managing the growth of our assets. All activities involving the management of financial resources and the strategic investment of capital, risk control and profit maximisation are subsumed under this part of the business. These units develop investment strategies for different markets like stocks, bonds or real estate, to ensure the long-term stability of the group.
In addition, financial risks must be monitored by means of regulation and analysis, to protect the company against volatility.

Finance unit
The finance unit of the VHV Group handles the key activities that guarantee a solid base for long-term security and efficiency.
The consolidated financial statement integrates all financial data and summarises the company’s results. The actuarial transactions unit controls premiums and damage payments and ensures liquidity. The regulatory reporting unit ascertains compliance with legal requirements and regular reporting to the supervisory authorities.
All of these processes together support the financial stability of our company.
Capital investments- WAVE
WAVE Management AG (WAVE) is the asset manager of the VHV Group, acting as a service provider for the companies of the VHV Group with regard to all capital investment issues.
WAVE works in an advisory capacity supporting the companies of the VHV Group, but also institutional third-party clients and private customers. ESG sustainability aspects in the form of ecological and social concerns as well as proper ethical corporate management are the top priorities.
- Analytical and pragmatic abilities, understanding complex interactions
- Argumentation skills and assertiveness
- Prior knowledge of capital management or corporate finance

Our benefits
In addition to exciting career prospects, development opportunities andfair remuneration, our employees benefit from numerous other advantages.
- Inferring trends based on data and, in this context, identifying opportunities and risks for the VHV Group.
- Providing, analysing and developing key indicators and indicator systems.
- Preparing target/actual analyses, balance planning and reporting.
- Providing stimulus for optimising technical and manual processes.
- Identification and analysis of risks as well as planning further management of those risks.
- Maintaining our internal control system.
- Coordinating and running emergency drills.
- Maintaining the ongoing Business Continuity Management for KRITIS-relevant processes.
- Managing the capital investments of the VHV Group in our investment management system.
- Mapping group-internal interdependencies in the systems of WAVE.
- Independent preparation of monthly and annual balances in the subledgers.
- Preparing balance documentation for the accounting unit of the VHV Group and providing support with the status reports.
- Development and implementation of customised investment strategies for efficient management of the VHV Group's portfolios, taking into account ESG criteria.
- Active portfolio management in the asset classes of bonds, equities, derivatives, private equity, infrastructure and real estate, with the aim of achieving balanced diversification and optimising returns.
- In-depth analysis of financial markets, macroeconomic data and company key figures to make informed and optimised investment decisions.
- Cross-departmental collaboration, in particular with risk management and compliance, to develop an integrated and sustainable portfolio strategy.
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