Personnel, organisation and purchasing

The personnel, organisation and purchasing units form the backbone of the VHV Group. They make sure that processes work smoothly, and that the company can remain successful in the long term.
This is where we combine strategic thinking with efficient implementation to create structures that provide stability and promote innovation. Whether in personnel management, organisation development, controlling or
purchasing – our teams continuously work to optimise processes, strengthen the company culture, and keep us on a course toward a successful future.

The personnel department of the VHV Group focuses on acquiring, developing and retaining talent. With specific employee development measures and by creating a strong employer brand, we create an inspiring work environment that sustainably supports the development of our employees. In addition, the personnel department is where all processes involving the work cycle of our experts in the VHV Group come together, so the department also acts in and advisory capacity in case of questions or issues.
Organisation and controlling
Our controlling unit is responsible for financial control and planning. It provides sound analyses and decision-making aides to successfully implement the corporate strategy. Thanks to the continuous monitoring of KPIs and budget requirements, the controlling unit ensures the transparent and efficient use of resources, thus making a significant contribution to the growth and stability of the VHV Group.
The purchasing unit of the VHV Group is instrumental in the needs-based procurement of goods and services. With strategic negotiations and by maintaining lasting relationships with our suppliers, the team ensures that all requirements are satisfied efficiently. The purchasing unit also contributes significantly to the company’s cost effectiveness, supporting the long-term competitiveness of the VHV Group.

Our benefits
In addition to exciting career prospects, development opportunities andfair remuneration, our employees benefit from numerous other advantages.
- Maintaining and expanding our supplier network.
- Preparing price comparisons or initiating equal quotations across specialty areas.
- Independent participation in purchasing negotiations and the corresponding issuance of orders and contracts.
- Maintaining supplier and contract files, running and assessing credit checks on suppliers.
- Execution and further development of operative controlling and reporting.
- Inferring trends from data and identifying opportunities, risks and impulses for optimising processes (technically and manually).
- Provision, analysis and development of key indicators and indicator systems (incl. process and automation benchmarks) as well as preparing corresponding reports and presentations for a wide range of target groups (executive board, management, supervisory board, etc.).
- Supporting (cross-departmental) projects/measures in the areas of controlling, reporting and data analytics, incl. consulting.
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- Specialisation on a specific topic area and therefore contact person for all questions regarding that area. In the VHV Group, we offer the following specialisations:
- Personnel recruiting and marketing: Development and posting of vacancy ads, applicant management, interviews and selection of suitable candidates, as well as job marketing via a wide range of different channels.
- Employee support and development: Contact person for employees for work-related issues, organisation of training, development of career opportunities and performance assessment.
- Personnel administration: Preparing employment contracts, maintaining employee files, preparing payroll and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
- Personnel planning and strategy: Support with the development of personnel strategies, determining personnel requirements and optimisation of processes in the personnel units.
- Labour law and compliance: Ensuring compliance with legal requirements under labour law, advising on issues involving labour law, and support with conflict management.
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Job offers in the area of personell, organisation and purchasing
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