Apprenticeship Specialist for insurance and finance
We will teach you how to give customers comprehensive advice, develop individual solutions and dive into the exciting world of insurance and finance – hands-onand fit for the future.
Wherever people and technology come together, things can go wrong. If they do, we as insurers are there to help!
During your apprenticeship you become a professional on the key questions involving insurance, asset protection and financial investments:
- You learn how to professionally advise customers, find out their individual needs and offer them tailor-made solutions.
- In the event of a damage claim, you give the customer a sense of security and stand by them as a helping hand.
- You check claims, communicate with internal and external partners and make sure that everything is processed without any problems.
- You practice your organisational and work skills and use them effectively.
- You discover our many different specialty areas, and you have an active role in shaping your assignments.
Your practical phases are complemented with theoretical blocks at the BBS Hannah Arendt vocational school.
- Your school leaving certificate, vocational baccalaureate or commercial college diploma / vocational college has mainly satisfactory scores – your strong suits are mathematics and German language skills
- You like working with people and enjoy helping them with their concerns
- Your thinking is logical and solution-oriented
Nobody’s perfect, and not all career paths lead straight to the goal. Even if you don’t satisfy all the requirements just yet – take the opportunity and apply now!
Your opportunities
Once you have successfully completed your traineeship after 2.5 years, you have several exciting and sophisticated career choices. You can pursue them at any of the locations of the VHV Group. In the last two years, over 90% of trainees decided to stay with the company.
We continue to support your professional and personal development even after your traineeship is completed. You can reach your goals through our VHV Academies or take part in company-sponsored further education measures.
Your pay
1st year: 1,205.00 €
2nd year: 1,282.00 €
3rd year: 1,370.00 €
You will also receive vacation and Christmas bonuses and a company pension plan.
There are also additional benefits (e.g. cost reimbursement for schoolbooks)
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You can look forward to these today
30-month term
long-term career options
90 % takeover opportunity
secure start into the working world
mentoring program
insights into the world of insurance
your own projects
individual further education options
networking & exchange
Our locations
The home of the VHV Group is Hanover, but the company is active all over Germany as well as abroad.
Any questions? We're happy to help
Can't find the answer to your question? Our experts are happy to help.